Several school systems in Central Alabama closing early Tuesday (25 Oct, 2022)


Due to the threat of potentially severe weather in Central Alabama, the following school systems have announced early dismissals and closings for Tuesday, Oct. 25.

Alabaster City Schools: Dismissing one hour early; all after school activities cancelled
Bessemer Academy: Early dismissal at 1:30 p.m.
Bessemer City Schools: All after school activities cancelled
Bibb County Schools: Early dismissal at 1 p.m.; all after school activities cancelled
Chilton County Schools: Early dismissal at 1 p.m.
Cullman County Schools: Early dismissal at 1 p.m.; all after school activities cancelled
Eutaw City Hall: Closing early at 12 p.m.
Jasper City Schools: Closing at 12 p.m.; no after-school activities
Jefferson County Schools: All after school activities cancelled
Marion County: Dismissing at 11 a.m.
Marion County Schools: Early dismissal at 11 a.m.
Pickens County Schools: Dismissing at 11:45 a.m.
Shelby County Schools: Dismissing one hour early
Trussville City Schools: Early dismissal at 2 p.m.; all after school activities cancelled
Walker County Schools: Closing at noon

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School Closings and Delays for Tomorrow